Mengejar Matahari Terbenam

Saya sangat menyukai senja, terutama ketika hari cerah dan matahari perlahan tenggelam meninggalkan semburat jingga dan merah di langit. Biasanya ketika saya melakukan perjalananan, saya suka sekali berburu sunset alias matahari tenggelam. Kenapa tidak pas sunrise? Alasannya simple: saya tidak bisa bangun pagi hehehehe……Maklum, tergolong mahluk malam.
Sejauh ini, dengan pengalaman travel yang tidak seberapa, saya tetap menganggap bahwa senja terindah tetap di Indonesia. Entah ada apa dengan langit Indonesia hingga semburat warna yang muncul demikian beragam, tidak sekedar jingga dan merah. Mau di pantai, di jalan, atau di tengah gedung-gedung pencakar langit, tetap saja mempesona. 

Opening Course

As it stated, travel is too delicious to resist, for me anyway.

I just love every part of it, from the planning till the end of travel, from packing your belonging till the unpacking time, from the first time you set your foot in new land till when you say “good bye and see you again” to the new people you meet there, from the intriguing exotic spices wafting in the air and makes your mouth watered till you really craving of “Teh Botol” and “Kerupuk Kampung” so much.   

That is why I want to share tid bits of my not-that-much journey, just to entice you that travel is really delicious, and not to mention addictive, it is also not that complicated or that hard, as long as you really had your eye for traveling.